English 1A

PROMPT: Is Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena Viramontes an example of “change writing” according to criteria listed by Mary Pipher in her chapter “The Psychology of Change” from Writing to Change the World? Make an argument with a strong thesis, pointing to at least 3 criteria from Pipher’s chapter that you identify in Viramontes’ Novel.  Describe each of these criteria, and then analyze how Viramontes’ novel is demonstrating, displaying, or using this criteria. Be sure to define Pipher’s concept of “Change Writing,” and summarize the key points of Pipher’s concept of “authentic voice” and “writing for change.” Include a summary of Viramontes’ novel, and any additional sources you wish. Be sure to quote extensively from Pipher and Viramontes, and to quote at least once from each of your other sources. Each source should be cited in the text using MLA format and should be included on your Works Cited page in MLA format at the end of your essay.

PARAMETERS: Using previous essays from this semester as well as notes and discussion board posts, develop a pasted-together, collaged draft of your research paper that you will then revise to demonstrate your complete writing process. Include at least 5 sources (including the Class Novel and Pipher Chapter 7 specifically) in your paper, with each source cited at least once. Turn in a FINAL DRAFT of this paper that has been edited and formatted in MLA, and include a Works Cited page with in-text citations.

Our Research Paper Prompt and assignment description:
The Research Paper asks you to argue how Viramontes’ novel Under the Feet of Jesus is an example of “Change Writing” according to Pipher’s criteria as described in Chapter 7 – “The Psychology of Change.”
To organize your paper, you’ll want to have the following components in an order that feels best to you:
A definition of “Change Writing”
A Summary of Pipher’s basic ideas about “change writing” and “authentic voice”
A Summary of Viramontes’ novel
Several paragraphs that describe and explain individual criteria for change writers (from Pipher) and then pointing to examples in Viramontes’ novel that demonstrate how her novel IS an example of change writing
Introduction and Conclusion
OPTIONAL paragraphs: To develop a stronger essay, you may want to use 1 or 2 smaller, more brief texts as examples of “change writing.” These could include Brene Brown’s Ted Talk, “Critical Thinking” by bell hooks, or other texts from our class or found on your own as examples. Remember to enter these additional examples onto your Annotated Bibliography and your Works Cited page for the research paper.
The Research Paper is NOT a paper you write from scratch. You’ve already written “parts” of this assignment! (Several pages, in fact!) The goal of our research paper is for you to SHOW OFF YOUR REVISION SKILLS. You’ll go BACK to your Essay 2 – Definition Essay https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jJItgb56zymW0Vti5uahVW24qA41krLY/view?usp=sharing (Links to an external site.) and you will add to it with the Summary Paragraph from your Essay 3 Study Guide and the Analysis paragraph from your Essay 3 Study Guide. You will also go BACK to the Helena Viramontes Novel Discussion Boards and your Pipher “Psychology of Change” Discussion Boards and will review your own entries to pull summaries, commentaries, etc. You’ll also re-review the sources from this semester and select quotations to support your paragraphs and ideas. You are REQUIRED to use material you’ve already written, in addition to developed commentary and more, integrated quotations, to build this paper. You’ll be expected to describe HOW you revised the paper into its new form of “Research Paper.”
HOW TO DRAFT YOUR RESEARCH PAPER: PASTE all of the above components together, and then develop this chunk of text into the 5-page minimum 8 page maximum RESEARCH PAPER by
Reordering paragraphs
Adding quotations and in-text citations to paragraphs
Inserting more commentary and argument into the paragraphs
Composing a new introduction+thesis and a new Conclusion that reflect the prompt asked for the Research paper.
Reformatting your paper into MLA format with a Works Cited Page and at least 1 in-text citation PER SOURCE. You should have a minimum of 5 sources for your Research Paper.