
Week 1

Review the TeachingWorks’ high-leverage practices in Chapter 1, which are also posted at (links to an external site).

Review Danielson’s Framework components in Chapter 1, which are also described at (links to an external site).

Review Baltimore City Schools’ Modified Danielson framework described in Module 1 and posted here: (Links to an external site.) (links to an external site).

Describe at least two similarities between TeachingWorks and Danielsons Framework components. Describe one similarity between Danielson’s Framework and the Baltimore City Schools’ Modified framework.

Week 2

Describe the following types of studies: correlation studies, experimental studies, interviews, case studies, and ethnographies.

Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research. What is mixed-methods research?

What is scientifically based research and evidence-based practices? Summarize the Point/Counterpoint arguments, indicate whether you argue with the Point, Counterpoint, or a combination of both. Note: This argument is published in Chapter 1 and posted in Module 1.

Week 3

Read the article Is No Child Left Behind? Wise Schooling For African American Male Students

Please describe key elements of No Child Left Behind and its successor, the Every Student Succeeds Act, based on the textbook reading and Is No Child Left Behind? Wise Schooling For African American Male Students.

Week 4

Watch the Patient H.M. video (see below). What is the role of the hippocampus based on the textbook and this video?

Bringing new life to Patient H.M., the man who couldnt make memories (Links to an external site.)

(links to an external site).

Describe the textbook author’s explanation of how the development of the limbic and prefrontal cortex relate to risk-taking and impulsive behaviors. Read “Students Heading Back to College Face a Return to COVID-19 Risk Factors. Here’s What To Do. To Understand College Students’ Behavior, We Need to Understand Some Basics of Neurobiology and Psychology” at (Links to an external site.) (links to an external site). Why might faculty, students, administrators, and the general public consider this development when deciding whether students should return to school during a pandemic?

How are Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories related to educational practice? Use the textbook, the Edutopia article linked below, the videos linked below, and the completed table as a guide to your answer.

Please read the following article and complete the table below with information relevant to all four stages.

(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.)

Roxanne Piagets Preoperational (Links to an external site.)

(links to an external site).

Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development

Developmental Stage

Approximate Age Range

Definition and Description of Tasks

Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development (Links to an external site.)