Economic Trends Discussion

Economic Trends Discussion

This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:
1)Review economic terminology and understand their importance to the decision-maker in the healthcare industry.
2)Analyze the impact of economic trends within the healthcare industry.

Action Items
1)Identify and read at least 2-3 resources on economic trends that have impacted the healthcare industry over the past 10 years. You may want to access:
The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation (Links to an external site.) website
The Healthcare MBA research guide (Links to an external site.)

2)Respond to the following prompt by 11:59 p.m. on the due date indicated. Each initial post should be 200-250 words.

Identify and comment on two economic trends that have impacted the healthcare industry over the past 10 years. Discuss how these trends impact consumers of healthcare services, the suppliers of healthcare, and the medical staff that service these clients. What impact (if any) has Obamacare had on the two trends that you have identified?

Include a reference list at the end of your post