EC368 East Asian Econimics

Please answer TWO of the following questions. Each response
should be roughly 600-800 words. Please quote and cite all written work. You do not need to consult any texts beyond the assigned readings, but you should let me know what sources you used.

1. Discuss development of the Taiwanese IT hardware industry, including
the role of fabless firms and pure-play foundries. You should address the
roles of the Taiwanese government, foreign IT firms, and original
equipment manufacturing (OEM). How does the historical development
of the Taiwanese IT hardware industry differ from that of Korea?

2. Discuss Korean industrial policy under the Park Chung-hee government.
What were the main elements of industrial policy? How was it financed?
What accounts for the extremely rapid growth and diversification of the
chaebol in Korea in the 1960s and 1970s? What happened to less successful
firms? Discuss some of the successes and costs of Koreas industrialization

3. Discuss the causes and impacts of the Asian Financial Crisis as it
pertained to South Korea. What were the macroeconomic and
microeconomic factors that made Korea vulnerable to a currency crisis?
What were the impacts on the economy? What were the key elements of
the governments response to the crisis?