Drone Investigation

The Investigation Scenario assignment is broken into two parts and is worth a total of 90 points. You should complete Part 1 this week, however you are not required to turn anything in this week. You will turn in both Part 1 and Part 2 next week in Module 5 for a possible 90 points total.

Your second investigation deals with a network breach that threatens the national security of the U.S. Classified information about a new predator drone has been published on the Wikileaks web site and you are the investigator in charge of the case.  This case is more complicated than our first scenario, involving more possible perpetrators and the need for more log files to piece together who is responsible. Before you are given the evidence in the case, you must do some preliminary work for your investigation report.  Again, be sure to keep good investigation notes to include in your final report for next week.


1. Review the two attached documents (CJST 6604 Investigation Scenario #2-2015docx and CJST 6604 Investigation Scenario #2 – new information.docx) and write up notes on how you would answer the following questions.

    If you can determine who committed the crime, what kind of charges would the perpetrator face?
    Can charges be brought against Wikileaks?  If so, what?  Have there been any successful prosecutions of leak web sites in the past that could be applied to this case?
    Can charges be brought against the online collective, Anonymous, for their DDOS?  If so, what?  Have there been any successful prosecutions of Anonymous members in the past that could be applied to this case?

2. Create a list of the log files that you believe you will need to create a timeline and recreate the incident.

You will be given access to the log files next week.  Do you need any kind of court document to obtain the files you need?