Discussion 4

Read the following fictionalized scenario and post your thoughts/feelings on Kevin (are you empathetic ?) and if this is realistic and whether a college or university (not SSU) could do more to accommodate the Kevins out there. Post by Sun. 2/9 and then the following week reply to two peers by Sunday, 2/16

Kevin looks anxiously at his watch.  It is 3:30 p.m., and stuck in slow-moving traffic for the last 15 minutes.  He is not sure if he can get to campus, find a parking space, and make it to class by the 4:00 p.m. start time.  As the minutes tick by, he becomes more impatient and agitated.  He knows he cannot ask his boss to leave earlier in the day.  Just getting his boss to agree to this small adjustment in his work schedule was a tense negotiation process.  Kevin knows that most of the students in his classes commute to school and work full- or part-time jobs off-campus.  He wonders why ABC administrators do not understand the difficulties of students, like him, attending classes that start before the end of the workday.  If there were classes on weekends or the evening, he could have enrolled in a full course load each term.  As he continues his slow drive to campus, he thinks that maybe ABC is unresponsive because it does not want students like him; maybe the institution desires full-time, residential students.  As this thought crosses Kevins mind, he wonders if he should give up and drop out.