Data Collection Report

From your work on the Research Methodology, you should have developed  a method for collecting the data that you will need to answer your Research Questions.  This will likely be some kind of focus group or interview process.  Late assignments are penalized 10% the first week and 20% after the first week.

For the this assignment, you should provide a the raw data you have collected.  At this point, you don’t need to interpret the data – just show me what you have collected. Organize your data by question.  For example, put all responses for the first question together but separate the response per individual and label. 

The questionnaire needs to be created as well
Use attached methodology paper and questions
Question 1:  Discuss the mentoring program at your organiation.

Person1: Response

Person2: Response

Person 3: Response

What did you learn from this person?

Person1: Response

Person 2: Response