cryptocurrency technology

Cryptography is the process of securing communication between two or more individuals who are transacting in an insecure environment. Cryptocurrencies use the decentralized control to facilitate the transaction between one person to another. This type of control ensures that each cryptocurrency uses a blockchain – a free exchange database -, which functions as a disseminated ledger (Graydon, 2017). Bitcoin was the first decentralized cryptocurrency to be created in 2009. This form of digital currency works by using encryption methods to control the creation of units of money and validating the exchange of funds. Moreover, it functions independently from the central bank.

Write about the two issues below:
First, explain the cryptocurrency technology in general.
Second, discuss the potential benefits and risks using cryptocurrency technology in e-commerce.

Write your paper between 6 and 8, not including cover and references.
If you have under six pages (not including cover page and references), you probably have written too little, and if you have more than eight pages, you should review your paper and remove any “fluff.”
Use 11-point font, double-spaced paragraph. Normal margins (1″ for top, bottom, left, and right margins).
Number your pages in the footer.
Have a running header with your name and the words “IME 375 Research Paper 2”.
Include the following labeled sections:
o Cover page with the title of the paper, the semester and year of the course, the course name, and your name.
o Separate reference page at the end of the paper with all sources in APA Style reference format.
o Have an Introduction and a Conclusion parts. Use sub-headings as appropriate in the body of the paper.
Use APA style in-text citations as needed. Refer to online sources to learn when to use in-text citations. All sources must be cited in the references.
In preparing this paper, you will need to search for various library databases.
o To access JSU electronic resources from remote/off-campus computers, read the JSU library information (
o (On-campus only) Go to the “ACM Digital Library” database
(, which is a great starting point to find popular
o For APA Style reference, use or In-Text Citations: The Basics.
o You may use the textbook as a cited source if you want.
You must use at least five reputable sources as well.
o Wikipedia is not a trustworthy source. Do not cite documents with NO authors unless they are
whitepapers from reliable organizations in your topic.