Critical Approached to ICTD

Can Technology End Poverty?, by Kentaro Toyama

Laptops Work, by Nicholas Negroponte

The Shiny New Gadget that Works, by Jenny Aker

Evaluate, by Dean Karlan

You are required to read all four articles.

The assignment for the week is to write a two-page (double-spaced) essay based on these readings. The essay should have the following structure:

– 1-2 paragraphs (1/2 page) with the most important similarities/differences between the readings. They were all written as part of the same special issue for the Boston Review, and are supposed to offer different views around the same broad topic.

– 1-2 paragraphs (3/4 page) highlighting the parts of the readings you most agree with or found most interesting.

– 1-2 paragraphs (3/4 page) with elements of the readings you disagree with or elements you would have liked the readings to expand on.

The format and reference do not count the length of the page