CJUS 750- Discussion Forum 1-Reply2

Reply must be 250 words and include citations from at least 1 scholarly sources. Each thread and reply must follow current APA format.

Glesne, C. (2016) Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction (5th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.


Qualitative research is unlike quantitative research, in that qualitative research does not rely on measures, count, and numbers. The various strategies for determining the appropriate qualitative research method for a particular study is dependent upon the type of researcher that is conducting the study. The four types of qualitative research are our conceptual theorist, analytical scientists, particular humanist, a conceptual humanist.

            James Rice and Marilyn Simon’s graph in the article Choosing your research method in a nutshell provides a simple identification of the various types of possible research. For conceptual theorists, the methods of research would be descriptive research, factor analysis, correlational research, repertory grid analysis, and the Q method. Analytical scientists will utilize trend analysis research, retrospective record review, regression-discontinuity design, because I experimental, experimental research, and design-based researchdecision analysis. Particular humanist researchers use some analogy, phenomenology, hermeneutic research, grounded theory, critical incident techniques, case study research, appreciative inquiry, and action research. Conceptual humanist also utilizes appreciative inquiry, casual-comparative research, content analysis, Delphi research, evaluation research, grounded theory, historical research, and phenomenology (Rice and Simon, n.d.).

            Glesne (2016) provides an example of the process for determining methodology. Glesne gives examples of both an ethnographic research statement and an action research statement. These statements were both followed by research questions and finally, research methods. The methods included observations, document collection, literature, and interviews (Glesne, 2016). Glesne (2016) provided an example of an academic art museum study she participated in. The research question included how the works of art that had been distributed 50 years earlier had been utilized in what difference if any, the gifts had made. Many other museums were also polled resulting in an extensive qualitative research study (Glesne, 2016).      

            In choosing between a quantitative and qualitative research method for my dissertation, I am more apt to choose qualitative research methods. For my dissertation topic, I plan to determine if recruiting and retention with the law enforcement agency is directly correlated to the effectiveness of the agency head. From what I have learned thus far regarding qualitative research methods, my research will be geared towards that of a conceptual humanist researcher. Within the framework of the conceptual humanist researcher, I would focus on phenomenology, historical research, and grounded theory (Rice and Simon, n.d.). Because much of my dissertation will be geared toward surveys, historical data, and current trends within law enforcement, I need to ensure that I have an extensive sampling of data from across the country to properly validate my findings.

            The Bible states in Proverbs 25:2, It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter (King James Version). This verse reminds Christians that research is an honorable trait worthy of a king. The Bible further states in Proverbs 12:17, He that speaketh truth showeth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit. God reminds us in this verse that the truth of the matter is considered righteous in the eyes of God. Whereas those who do not research and find out the truth bears false witness to his fellow man.


Glesne, C. (2016). Becoming Qualitative Researchers an Introduction (5th ed.). Boston, MA:


Rice, J. & Simon, M. K. (n.d.). Choosing a research method in a nutshell.