Cherlins Loves Labor Lost

Your book review should include the following elements:

Bibliographic information about the book and background information about the author.  Use APA or other full citation format for the book and do a google search of the author to find their current position and look at a curriculum vitae (CV)/ resume for information about their other research and scholarship). 1 point
Brief overview of the methods and types of data drawn on in the book. 1 point
A summary of the book’s contents in which you highlight at least three of the main points the author is making. 3 points
Your assessment and appraisal of the books merits and shortcomings how it compares with other research you’ve read on similar subjects, whether its conclusions flow from the analysis, and whether there is anything new or different in them.  2 points
Your assessment of how the findings / argument might be useful in shaping public policy on work and family.  1 point
Note:  Your review should minimize jargon and technical language.  It should not: (a) repeat the table of contents chapter by chapter or section by section; or go to great lengths to find something bad or good about the book or something that should have been included.