Chapter 2 Be the Manager

Chapter 2 Be the Manager 1

Please read the Case Be the Manager and create a Word document to answer the questions.
Make sure you have answered what you had been asked, spelled checked and written complete sentences and avoid plagiarism (Please, review rubric).
    Ensure you have spelled checked and written complete sentences.
    Follow the Rubric’s guidelines and avoid plagiarism.

Questionnaire 1: Be the Manager-Action Chapter 2
Be the Manager [LO 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5]
You have recently been hired as the vice president for human resources in an advertising agency. One problem that has been brought to your attention is the fact that the creative departments at the agency have dysfunctional high levels of conflict. You have spoken with members of each of these departments, and in each one it seems that a few members of the department are creating all the problems. All these individuals are valued contributors who have many creative ad campaigns to their credit. The high levels of conflict are creating problems in the departments, and negative moods and emotions are much more prevalent than positive feelings.
1. What are you going to do to both retain valued employees and alleviate the excessive conflict and negative feelings in these departments?
Topics for Discussion and Action
Please include the TV shows name for Action 1:
1. Watch a popular television show, and as you watch it, try to determine the
emotional intelligence levels of the characters the actors in the show portray. Rank the characters from highest to lowest in terms of emotional intelligence. As you watched the show, what factors influenced your assessments of emotional intelligence levels? [LO 2-4]

I will also provide textbook information