Ch. 4 Q&A

Optional reading:

1. On page 149, from the 3rd sentence(Although we shall not examine…) to the end of the proof and before the sentence (You may have gathered.) on Page 159.

2. From the 2nd paragraph (By Euclids time, Greek geometric algebra had reached a stage of) on page 160 to the end of page 164.

3. Page 165-page 168 Construction of regular pentagon.

4. Page 172-page 181.

Answer the following questions:

1. (4pts) Describe the works and influence of Euclid (pages 143-160; must include the importance and flaws of Elements, what a postulate is). Minimum 240 words.

2. (1pt) Summarize the math achievements of Eratosthenes (pages 183-188; must include at least two major achievements).  Minimum 60 words.

3.  (1pt) Summarize the achievements of Ptolemy (pages 188-191).  Minimum 60 words.

4.  (3pts) Describe the life and math achievements of Archimedes (pages 193-206 skip math examples).  Minimum 180 words.

5.  (1pt) Summarize the math achievements of Apollonius (pages 206-208).  Minimum 60 words.

For resubmission, send me an e-mail. After I clear your submission, you will be able to resubmit.

Grading Rubrics:

(1). lose a half point for every two grammar or spelling mistakes.

(2). lose one point each day past the due day for any late submission.

(3). lose a half point for each 20 words less than the minimum.

(4). lose a half point for any key item that is not covered in your answer.