I have attached Thesis and Persuasive essay for reference and sources.

Complete the following directions in a Word document or PDF.

Step 1: State the working thesis for your project. 

Step 2: Give three reasons for why you believe what you believe.

Step 3: Using at least two sources, give three reasons why people oppose your position.

You should devote at least 75 words to each reason and show the sources from which you got them using in-text citation.  The purpose of this is to give you practice approaching your topic thinking critically and logically. If you do not understand the reasons people have for having a different viewpoint, then your understanding of your topic no matter how strongly held is underdeveloped.
Approach this with intellectual honesty. Do not give way to cheap straw-men.
If you are secure in your position, you should have nothing to fear from reading opposing viewpoints. Challenge yourself to find concrete reasons for why people hold the opposing viewpoints. To return to the abortion example, if your paper is anti-abortion, provide the economic, social, and/or health reasons why people believe access to abortion should be legal. If your paper is pro-abortion, find reasons such as health risks or fetal development that anti-abortion activists point to. Provide sources.

Step 4: In at least a few sentences each, answer the following questions:
After researching, did you find any errors or weaknesses in your original opinion? Did you encounter any of your own biases? Explain.

Step 5: As I said, you must supply at least two sources. Provide these in reference list/end note format.