
Due Date: Sunday by 11:59 p.m of Unit 5

Total Point: 100


In this assignment, you will be creating a cash flow statement based on the Wicked Good Cupcakes income statement and balance sheet.


• Using the Cash Flow Statement Template provided, generate a Cash Flow Statement. Be sure to submit your Excel sheet along with your word document.

• Summarize your findings and observations.

• What is your analysis of their current profit vs. cash situation?

• Are they in danger of running out of cash? What are your findings? Explain.

• What does their, as Warren Buffet, refers, ‘owning earnings’ (free cash flow) look like?


• Two to three-pages, excluding the Title and Reference pages.

• All questions posed must be addressed completely.

• APA format, including in-text citations for referenced works.

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your assignment will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Cash Flow Statement Assignment

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Deficient

(28-30 Points) (20-27 Points) (0 – 19 Points)

Cash Flow Statement with All Assumptions Made Noted on the Statement

The cash flow statement is clearly presented, including

The cash flow statement is presented, though key details may not be clearly or completely presented.

Does not provide the cash flow statement, or the overview is missing key details.

(18-20 Points) (13-17 Points) (0 – 12 Points)

Current Profit vs. Cash Analysis

The current profit vs. cash is clearly presented, including analysis.

The current profit vs. cash is presented, though key details may not be clearly or completely presented.

Analysis is inadequate or missing.

Running out of Cash Analysis

Analysis of the danger of running out of cash is clearly presented.

Analysis of the danger of running out of cash is presented, though key details may not be clearly or completely presented.

Analysis is inadequate or missing.

Free Cash Flow Analysis

Analysis is clearly presented, including all key details.

Analysis is presented, though key details may not be clearly or completely presented.

Analysis is inadequate or missing.

(9-10 Points) (7-8 Points) (0 – 6 Points)

Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format

Writing and format are clear, professional, APA compliant, and error-free.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.