Battle of Tarawa

Please write a short research paper (2-3 full pages double-spaced) on the battle assigned to you. You may write about one of the commanding generals in your battle instead, or you may write about a major campaign strategy of which your battle was a part. You may choose to focus on some specific part of your battle if you wish.

Your paper should include citations for *everything* that is not common knowledge for a high school student. There should also be a works cited page at the end, with full citations (any citation style) for all works used in your paper. Citations should be given for everything, not just direct quotes or paraphrases. It is OK if many of your paragraphs are nothing but a string of facts with citations after each! That is normal in academic papers. You are not expected to come up with grand new insights on your battle, but you are expected to show that you can cite other information you find elsewhere.