
4+ pages, MLA 8 format
Write an essay in which you argue how a single “artifact,” chosen by you, qualifies as “change writing” and how it works to effect change as described by Mary Pipher in “Writing to Change the World.” Don’t just write about the general concept of change writing – focus on one specific artifact: argue for how that artifact qualifies as “change writing” according to Pipher, and give evidence that *the artifact* has caused change to take place.

? First, review the Essay #1 Assignment wording so you will propose a focus that reflects the goals of the assignment.

Then address the following three issues in your proposal:

What is your artifact?  Why did you choose it? You need a few sentences here. I need clarity on what you’ve chosen and why you think it’s a good choice for this essay.
Specifically, what does Mary Pipher say in her essay “Writing to Change the World that applies to your artifact? That is, how does it qualify as change writing according to her definitions? Be specific about this and state it clearly in your proposal!
Since you will need sources in addition to your artifact and Pipher’s essay to support your argument, for this proposal you will need to have done some preliminary research to inform you on the subject. Specifically, what kinds of credible source materials have you already found? What other kinds of sources do you hope to seek as you continue this research process? Don’t just say, “I will look for sources in the college library” or “I will be looking for articles, books, and websites.” OF COURSE YOU WILL. Specifically, what is out there? What have you found to be assured that there is adequate information to support your thesis?