
Assignment: Using the Confrontation Model, Part 2

Last week, you had a challenging conversation with an individual based on a communication issue you were facing. This week, you learned how rapport, communication, mood, and compassion can affect a coaching relationship. Consider the conversation from Week 6. What role do you think these factors played in your coaching conversation? How could these factors have positively affected the conversation? How could these factors have negatively affected the conversation?

To prepare for this Assignment, review:

· Week 7 – Lecture – “See Word doc”

· Confrontation model of conversation – “See pdf.”

· Developing Sustainable – See pdf”

· Primal Leadership – “See pdf”

To complete your Assignment, compose a cohesive document that addresses the following:

· Reflect on the confrontational coaching conversation from Week 6.

· Now that you know about different factors that influence the coaching conversation, how might your confrontation have changed?

· 2-3 pages

· APA citing

· No plagiarism