
1. Your analysis of injuries at the CSU Widget Factory has revealed that 98 employees were required to take time off last year due to issues related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), mostly back and shoulder injuries. Discuss a variety of strategies that can be used to identify operations or processes with the potential to create or aggravate MSDs. Keep in mind that employees do not always recognize MSD symptoms as work-related, and may also be reluctant to report symptoms. There is no need to propose solutionswe are just trying to identify the sources of the problems.

2. Based on your recent analysis of injuries related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) at the CSU Widget Factory, your boss wants to try to reduce the amount of manual material handling, especially in the warehouse. Using the hierarchy of controls, propose at least five control measures that would help reduce the amount of manual lifting and/or reduce the likelihood of injuries caused by manual lifting. Explain clearly how each of these proposed controls would reduce the risk of injury, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and what new hazards, if any, might be created if the control is implemented.