Are Motorcycle helmets proven effective

Your Fieldwork will aim at recording, interpreting, and reflecting on the perspective modes of behavior of a particular group of people at a specific place through participation, observations, mini-interviews, mini-questionnaires, and experiences.

Report Length: 1000 words, Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt Font
Report Structure: APA Format in 4 sections: Background, Method, Result, Conclusion.

1) Description (quantify): describe the facility or location and the behavior of the occupants without judgment (facts, only the facts).

2) Interpretation (qualify): interpret your descriptions; give reasons for what you have observed.

3) Role as a Researcher: give a brief description of your relationship to the place you’ve chosen.

4) Discussion of Field Notes: reflect on your observations both quantitative and qualitative. Add stories, personal lessons, biases, and/or preconceptions that have been learned, confirmed, and/or denied. Last, come to some closure on the experience.