Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your assignment is to write a 4-5 page essay analyzing a historical film (not listed on the syllabus) about the conquest of the Americas. A list of suggested films has been posted on Canvas.

Focus your analysis on the following questions:

To what subgenre of the Historical Film genre (epic, war, biographical, topical, etc.) can the film be ascribed?
How does the film illustrate (or problematize) the basic components of the subgenre it represents?
How are historical figures and/or events portrayed in the film?
What fictional characters and/or situations can be identified? What is their purpose within the context of the narrative?
In which ways does the film claim historical authenticity?
What contemporary concerns are expressed through the reenactment of the past?

Then develop an argument about the way in which the film approaches history.

* You are not required to do any additional research for this paper. But you should draw upon some of the theories about the historical film that we have studied in class, testing them against your close reading of the film.


Avoid plot description. Aim instead to analyze how specific cinematic techniques function to underscore the films mode of historical thinking.
Organize your essay around key points in your argument, rather than a chronological examination of the film.
Be sure to use precise film terminology. (prop, performance, tracking shot, tilt, dissolve, jump-cut, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, etc.)
Avoid vague language. (The use of long-shots is very effective) Aim instead to analyze the specific effect of individual techniques. (Long-shots and well-choreographed crowd scenes convey a monumental vision of history.)
Essay Requirements

4 – 5 pages
Typed, double-spaced, in a simple 12-pt font
Unique, carefully chosen title that reflects the ideas in the paper
Put your name on the first page.
Italicize film titles. (CAPS or quotation marks are incorrect.)
Spell check and proofread your paper.
Your name on every page (as a header or footer)
Page numbers