Any topic (writer’s choice)

For each article, provide at least one paragraph of description and one paragraph of analyzation. Answer the question within your discussion:
– What is the purpose of this text?
– Who was it written for?
– What is its thesis?
– Do you agree or disagree or have any comments?

Describe and analyze Andre Bazin, “The Ontology of the Photographic Image,” (orig published 1945)(minimum 2 paragraphs)

Describe and analyze Andr Bazin, “The Evolution of the Language of Cinema,” (originally published 1953-55) What is Cinema? , Vol. 1 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: The University of California press, 1967). (minimum 2 paragraphs)

Describe and analyze Jean-Louis Comolli, “Machines of the Visible,” The Cinematic Apparatus, ed. Teresa de Lauretis, Stephen Heath (Milwaukee: Center for Twentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1980) (minimum 2 paragraphs)

This is not an essay. Read the three article and describe them IN YOUR OWN WORDS