Any topic (writer’s choice)

In Collins Chapter 10    Case 10.0 (page 308)  Looking for Strengths.

Please write responses for this case for the #1-8 factors on page 309 as if you were the social worker assessing this case.  Discuss how you would address, and what are the important factors for  each of #1-8 with the case info you have been given.

Collins Chapter 10 page 315 

Exercise 10.2  Reframing a Problem from Individual to Family Focus

Select one possible family problem that  you as the family SW might see with our DVD FAMILY in family work.  How might this problem be considered an individual probelm?  Now utilizing the points #1-6 (p. 316-318)  in which you reframe this probelm as a family probelm.  How might family members resist this reformulation of the problem?

Interventions with Minority Families  p. 332-334

Please read Interventions with:  African American, Hispanic American Asian American, and Native American Families. 

Please discuss 2 areas there are commonalities among the 4 and what they are.

Please discuss 2 areas where each has unique elements that need to be considered and validated.