Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question 3
In this section of the course we have examined two modern political philosophies liberalism (in its various forms), and conservatism. For this assignment, find a recent newspaper story (the last five years or so) that addresses one social or political issue that interests you (for example, the environment, animal welfare, the #MeToo movement, Black Lives Matter, immigration, homelessness, religious freedom, or any other issue that you care about).  Then, compare how two political philosophies (either two streams within liberalism, or conservatism and liberalism) would respond to this issue. 
In answering this question, your essay should do the following:
1. Carefully explain the principal elements or features of these two political philosophies or streams.
2.  Consider how each of these two approaches might respond to the issue you are exploring and seek to solve the problems it raises. 
3 Explain why you think one or other of these approaches (or aspects of both, or neither) offers the best response to this issue.
4. Provide a link to the news story or include a copy of the story at the end of your paper.
Note: It is strongly recommended that you email me in advance of the deadline to discuss your chosen topic 

Assessment will be based on the following criteria
    Comparison and contrast: identify relevant commonalities and contrasts among significant concepts, themes, and arguments. Explain and develop these commonalities and contrasts with accuracy and insight.
                                                                                                                                              10 points 

    Argument and evidence: original and persuasive argument. Thesis and development. Effective use of classroom sources and outside research to support your argument. 
                                                                                                                                                      10 points

    Writing and mechanics: clarity, style, and organization. Use of full, grammatically correct sentences. Effective expression and precision. Spelling and punctuation. Correct citation practices
                                                                                                                                              10 points
Total                                                                                                                                    30 points