Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the documentary film called Denial (attached below as a link) . Think about the following:

Why is a smart grid controversial?
Do you have a smart meter in your house?
Are you concerned about smart grids in your life?

1-Put yourself in Derek Hallquists position. How would you feel/respond if your father came out as transgendered? Do you think this would be difficult to accept? How might your feelings be different if it was your mother, rather than father, were transgendered? Why do you think your feelings may or may not change? (100-300 words)

2-Despite being and extraordinarily adaptable species, who have persisted and thrived through remarkable environmental and cultural change, we humans are highly resistant to change. Why do we not like change? Do you think this resistance of change is beneficial or deleterious to us as individuals and as a species? (100-300 words)