Any topic (writer’s choice)

Attached is an example of what the evidence summary table needs to look like. Please fill out the table with the articles there are (9) to include in the chart below:

Call bell requests,  call bell response time and patient satisfaction.

None shall pass . . . without answering the call bell.

Improving the Patient Experience: Call Light Intervention Bundle.

Perspectives of Patients and Families About the Nature of and Reasons for Call Light Use and Staff Call Light Response Time.

Exploring the relationship between patient call-light use rate and nurse call-light response time in acute care settings.

Perspectives of staff nurses toward patient- and family-initiated call light usage and response time to call lights

Perceptions of reasons call lights are activated pre- and postintervention to decrease call light use.

Predicting Patient Satisfaction With Nurses’ Call Light Responsiveness in 4 US Hospitals.

The Button: Initiating the PatientNurse Interaction.