Any topic (writer’s choice)

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1.  Brief overview of community assessment data and priority need.

For my Community Health Assessment I chose my own community of Montevideo, MN. I am a registered nurse at our local county owned clinic and witness many health disparities that are among our community members. Montevideo has a population of 5,102 and is located within Chippewa County of Southwest Minnesota. According to the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps (2020) adult obesity rates are at 34%, premature deaths are 5,300, and physical inactivity rates are 27%. The priority need I want to focus on based on my Community Health Assessment is the need for education on diet and exercise for patients presenting with multiple health issues including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

2.  Identify the target group and cultural considerations.

The target group for this community would be the patients with diagnosis of overweight or obesity. However, the target group can also be non-specific because all patients should be provided with the resources based around the effects of a healthy lifestyle. Cultural considerations play a huge role in the community as there is a wide variety of different ethnicities. According to the United States Census Bureau (2020) Whites make up 89.3%, African American 1.1%, American Indian 1.2%, Asian 2.0%, and Hispanic or Latino 9.5%. Each have their own views on what health means to them. Nurses need to take this into consideration when providing education. Another interesting fact that I learned while working with our Micronesian population located within Chippewa County, was that they view being overweight and obese as a sign of wealth. I found this out during a clinic appointment while visiting with a patient of this ethnicity. I personally found it challenging to provide the education on what being overweight does to their body on a pathophysiologic approach while also being respectful of their beliefs.

3. State the overall Goal for the health education intervention.

The overall goal for this health education intervention would be to see the community members of Montevideo be able to identify five specific health conditions that accompany obesity and five specific ways to reduce their risk for development by the end of the year. This goal will be measured by observing a decreasing trend of BMI and modifiable health conditions for this community.

4.  Brief description of the health education intervention.

The intervention will be based on direct patient education to ensure the information is being interpreted correctly and patients are able to meet the overall goal. Health promotion and disease prevention are key when working with patients that can make modifiable lifestyle changes to lower their BMI and prevent conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and coronary artery disease for example. According to Nies and McEwen (2019) “Though people are responsible for their own health and medical care, they often seek advise from nurses in the community regarding health promotion and to help them make sense of the many, often competing recommendations that appear daily on TV, online, and in newspapers and magazines” (p.50).

5.  State three behavioral objectives for the intervention, including one of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.

Cognitive – Patients will accurately interpret modifiable ways to improve their health and decrease body mass index while preventing further conditions from developing.

Psychomotor – Patients who worked through the goals and interventions by the end of the year will continue to exercise regularly and consume a nutritious diet that aides in their efforts of maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Affective – After completion of educational interventions made by the nurse, patients will give feedback on what they have learned and if they will pursue to continue the healthy changes they have made. If not, further discussion will be had on what worked for them and what did not in hope of finding a solution for them to continue healthy behaviors.

6. Describe two evaluation strategies. That is–give two specific examples of evaluation that would fit your intervention that are formative and summative  (total of two).

Formative – According to Carnegie Mellon University (2020) “The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning” (p.1). Patients participating in the education intervention will create a concept map identifying connections for risks and diseases associated with obesity. Also identifying interventions that they can take to prevent these from occurring.

Summative – According to Carnegie Mellon University (2020) “The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark” (p.1). A final report project will be performed by participants on what they have learned, weight loss, and strategies to continue making healthy lifestyle changes to promote health and overall wellbeing. This will be evaluated by personally discussing one on one with patients and providing them with a survey on what they liked and disliked.

7.  State if the intervention is primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention.

The intervention would be a primary prevention strategy as it is focused on education towards preventing disease onset related to obesity, inactivity, and poor nutritional habits.

8.  How does the education plan you propose impact families in the community?

The education plan I proposed will impact families in the community by providing awareness of the effects obesity has on overall general health. Families might not have the health literacy to understand certain concepts and this is where nursing plays a key role for providing educational material easily accessible and understandable for all ages, languages, and literacy levels. This education plan would also hopefully lower costs to families with a member living with obesity primarily related to hypertension or diabetes. Medications needed to help manage these diseases can be expensive. Caring for patients through a holistic approach is so important and taking into consideration all aspects of their lives while empowering them to be the healthiest they can possibly be.

Question: Have you ever been a part of a focused group related to diet and exercise and helping reduce obesity in your community? If so, please describe the outcome and benefits you observed. 


Carnegie Mellon University. (2020). What is the difference between formative and summative assessment? Retrieved from

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (2020). Retrieved from

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/Public health nursing (7th ed.). Elsevier.

United States Census Bureau. (2020). QuickFacts: Montevideo, city minnesota. Retrieved from