Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read: Case Problem ” Alphabets Google”

Prepare a Managerial Report* structured as follows:

Task 1-1: Structure and present your paper in the form of a Managerial Report, with a cover page, table of content, executive summary, main body, appendices.  Expected length of Assignment 1: up to 6 pages APA format, excluding cover page, table of contents, and appendices

Task 1-2: What is Google’s business model? How is it making money?

Task 1-3: Who are Google’s main competitors? What and who should Google worry about? What should the CEO of Google do about these challenges? Provide recommendations, be specific.

Task 1-4: How is Google using platform strategy? What are some strengths and some weaknesses of this approach?

Task 1-5: What type of diversification strategy is Alphabet pursuing? What organizational structure is Alphabet using? What is the rational behind this structure and diversification strategy?