
Annotative Bibliography Information

Write a critical analysis related the assignment topic along with an analysis of the major thesis and a statement about the article that is related to the topic. You should point out strengths and weaknesses of both; the methodology; and the philosophy of the resource in the critical analysis. Be sure to focus on the topic/issue of what the assignment asks for. Each critical analysis should be four to five paragraphs of analysis in APA format, 12-pt font, Times New Roman or Verdana font, double spaced. Please be sure to submit the article or a working url link when you submit it for grading (Please be sure to see example below)

Amey, M.J., VanDerLinden, & Brown, D.F. (2002). Perspectives on community college leadership: Twenty years in the making. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 26, 573-589.

The study reports findings from a national study about issues of positions, gender, race/ethnicity, and career paths of community college administrators. As expressed by Amey, VanDerLinden, and Brown (2002), career path data compared with an earlier national study shows that the path of a community college administrator has changed since 1985.

Amey, VanDerLinden, and Brown’s (2002) study was piloted with community college administrators, two peer reviewers, and some experts from the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)(p. 575). The survey instrument used consisted of 34 opened-ended, close-ended, and Likert-type questions. As stated by Amey, VanDreLinden, and Brown (2002), “a stratified random sample of 1700 community college administrators across 14 position codes was drawn from the AACC data bank, providing representation by geographic location (urban and rural), and single and multi-campus sites”(p.575), with a response rate of 54%.

The results of the study are plentiful, as the study presented the findings by position. From a presidential standpoint, the president in this study were more diverse (demographically) than the one in Moore, Martorana, and Twombly’s 1985 study, as in this study 27% of the presidents were female opposed to 3.1% in the earlier study; and 14% were considered other then Caucasian in this study versus 6.3 in the 1985 study (p.576). Amey et al. (2002) also stated “while women now represent 42% of the responding Chief Academic Officers (CAOs), up from 15.9% in the earlier Moore et al. (1985) study, the racial and ethnic diversity of CAOs remains largely the same”(p.578). Additionally, the study identified other positions that directly led individuals into community college presidents or CAOs, such as Senior Student Affairs Officers (SSAO), Business/Fiscal Officers (CFO), Director of Continuing Education, and Occupational/Vocational Education Leaders.

One particular strength is that the career paths in this study are compared with an earlier national study. As a result, the career paths of today’s college administrators can be compared, contrasted, and evaluated with the past administrators, possibly showing a prototypical career path for aspiring community college administrators as of the year 2000. An additional strength is the identification of other jobs that could lead an aspiring community college administrator into a president or CAO position.

A weakness of the study has to do with the completion of the survey, as some administrators chose or forgot to complete some of the survey questions. As a result, some of the results percentages do not equal 100%. Another weakness is the lack of solution(s) to the problem of hiring diverse administrators. As stated by Amey et al. (2002) “there is much work to be done in generating diverse candidate pools for senior positions, in preparing younger generations of administrators with the skills and experiences that assist in promotion, and in promoting equity for the most senior positions”(p.587).