American Government Paper

As you have learned in this course, politics are an inherent part of government and every citizen’s life. In this unit, we discussed three types of American policy -domestic, economic, and foreign- and how these policies affect the United States domestically and abroad. The shared powers granted by our Constitution often lead to an overlap in responsibilities during policymaking, referred to as an “invitation to struggle”. Once established, American public policy often affects other nations around the world. This is evidenced in part by the concepts of isolationism and internationalism.


For this assignment, select one type of policy (i.e., domestic, foreign, or economic) covered in the unit, describe its purpose and goals, and explain how it affects relationships between the United States and other nations.

In addition, discuss how the policy you chose affects U.S. implementation of isolationism or internationalism beliefs, and describe how the media influences such action and decisions. You must use the CSU Online Library to locate at least three academic articles that support your position.

Finally, in your paper, discuss why the shared power of the three branches of government is sometimes referred to as an invitation to struggle about policymaking as it relates to the policy you chose for this assignment.


Your paper should consist of at least three pages. Also, any sources used should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting.