About book (Saks, Elyn. The center cannot hold, 2007, Hyperion)

Read the book (The center cannot hold) and write five pages by answering 1 of below topics:
1. Throughout the book, Saks struggles with psychopharmacology and the use of medications. Based on your readings and her experiences in the book, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of medications. What barriers exist to Sakss medication adherence? Do you think people with mental illness should be forced to take medication? Why or why not?

2. The opening prologue, Saks describes a very disturbing experience in an emergency room. Discuss what Saks thinks about the use of restraints and patient rights; did this change over the course of the book? Is it ever okay to use restraints? Is it ever okay to take away someones autonomy? Why or why not?

3. Discuss how the stigma of mental illness plays a role in Sakss experiences. Much of her experience occurred in the 1960s through the late1980s. Has the stigma of mental illness changed? How? Describe where you see the stigma of mental illness in your life experiences. Are we better today in the 21st century? Why or why not?

4. Saks attributes much of her recovery to psychoanalysis, which is generally not used for the treatment of psychotic disorders. Discuss how Saks found it helpful. What did Mrs. Jones and Dr. White provide Saks? What else might have been helpful to her? What resources exist today that may have helped her?

5. Many people with psychotic disorders are not as successful in their recoveries of psychotic disorders as Saks. What personality attributes or characteristics of Saks do you think helped her? What was helpful (and not helpful) about her family and her environment? What factors existed for her that do not always exist for people with psychotic disorders?