IT CKIT-551 – You have learned about various theories and methods

IT CKIT-551 – You have learned about various theories and methods
You have learned about various theories and methods of employee motivation. Select one or more of them and prepare a Motivation Plan to be submitted to your board of governors. The plan should include the reasons for your approach, the way it should be implemented, the financial considerations and how its success (or failure) could be evaluated. Should it be implemented immediately, or do you favour a limited-scope study (a pilot project or splitting into stages)?

Describe also how to motivate the employees to accept the change and positively contribute to it and show its advantages and disadvantages. Characterise differences between the regions when appropriate.

Your document should have 1,500–2,000 words (not including the list of works cited), but it is the quality of the answer that matters, not the number of words. Cite and reference all sources use the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.

66.SOCI 102 – Describe families and how they
a) Describe families and how they differ around the world.

b) Analyze changes in the family over the life course.

c) Explain how race, class, and gender shape family life.

d) Analyze the effects of divorce, remarriage, and violence on family life.

e) Describe the diversity of family life in the United States.