
5/ In the following passage in Ladies Paradise Zola writes:

It was the woman that they were continually catching in the snare of their bargains, after bewildering her with their displays. They had awakened new desires in her flesh; they were an immense temptation, before which she succumbed fatally, yielding at first to reasonable purchases of useful articles for the household, then tempted by their coquetry

Who are they? And how does the above passage is to be understood in the context of the novel and its time?

6/In Spleen LXXIX, in your Anthology, Baudelaire writes, Nothing can equal those days for endlessness/When in the winters blizzardy caress/Indifference expanding to ennui/Takes on the feel of Immortality.
-What is the meaning of ennui in the context of this stanza?

7/ How is the title of Ishiguros novel Never Let Me Go to be construed? What does the phrase “Never Let Me Go” manifest exactly and what does it mean specifically to the main character of the novel? (This question requires a definite rather than a theoretical answer.)

8/Would you characterize Ishiguros novel Never Let Me Go as an example of Romanticism, Naturalism or Science Fiction, neither of the above or all of the above, and why? Support your answer with a well-informed perspective.

9/In this course we have read and discussed (before and after the midterm) certain poets whose work is highly autobiographical. Please list at least two of them and explain briefly why/how, in your opinion, the poems youve read by each of these two poets relate to their own lives?

10/Please define the term Naturalism. Then explain which of the authors you have read in this course is recognized a pioneer of Naturalism and why? Provide specific examples from the work of the author to support your claim.