PART 3 Community Assessment Project: Health Promotion Plan Paper


PART 3 Community Assessment Project: Health Promotion Plan Paper

The Health Promotion Plan paper assignment is derived from the work that you have done up to this point on your community assessment and based on identified problem/needs/risk topics you identified in Part 2 of the Community Assessment. The paper must be written in APA 7th edition format and follow the specific guidelines. No abstract is needed for this paper assignment. This does not need to be a novel/book but the paper does need to address all of the components outlined below. The outline below along with the sample paper should provide you with sufficient guidelines to help you complete the assignment; note that in essence you are writing 2 of these papers because your group is responsible for 2 nursing diagnoses rather than one which is what the sample paper is showing. (see sample paper AS A GUIDELINE YOU MAY NOT USE THE SAME TOPIC AS IS DONE IN THE PAPER THIS IS MEANT TO GUIDE YOU ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE PAPER ASSIGNMENT)

This portion of the community health assessment involves developing a health promotion plan as if the plan would be implemented for a target group within the community. This will involve choosing two of six to eight priority nursing diagnoses/problems identified in Part 2 of the Community Assessment and conducting a literature search on these identified health problems. Then the group will write one short term goal and three measurable outcomes for each of the identified problems. Once the measurable outcomes are identified the group will focus on developing specific educational interventions to address each of the stated outcomes with evaluation (see sample paper). I have also included this website which is a great resource for APA if you need some guidance 

Project focus: Based on the problems/topics you identified in part 2 of the community assessment through your Community Diagnoses. You will choose 2 of the identified nursing diagnoses that your group feels are the highest priority and of interest to your group as a whole and these need to be approved by your instructor (I want to make sure that the two groups are not choosing to do the same topics). Specify the problem/topic area and specific target group your project team will address. Be sure to include your rationale and supporting data for selecting these as priority health problems and target groups within your community within your paper (this can be very brief and taken from Part 2 of the Community Assessment). Be sure to include a brief paragraph which supports and clearly connects the population, the identified problem/topic and the data.


Part I: Nursing Process: Community Diagnoses

1.Clearly identify the two priority problem/need/risk community diagnoses from the six to eight identified in Part II of your community assessment and as approved by your instructor. These will be written in the correct community diagnoses format including Health People 2030 goals/data/objectives as appropriate. If there is relevant data from the State of Florida and/or your community include this as well. (make sure to include the in-text citation for Healthy People 2030 and include in your Reference List). This part should already be done as you have done it in Part II; however, a clear link between your community, the target group and the reason this is a priority nursing diagnoses for your community must be made clear in this beginning section.

2.Review of the Literature of the 2 identified priority Health Problems: Complete a review of the literature highlighting the health problem and the target group. Be sure to use headers to organize this section of the paper. Students must use the textbook and optional use of other textbooks from prior courses as references. You may use literature from Allied Health however you must have SIX evidence-based peer reviewed nursing references (nursing literature/nursing journals) published within the last five years included in your in-text citations within the paper and on the list of references (think of this as 3 references for each of the chosen two health topics). In other words, include citations in the body of the paper and the full citations of all sources in the References section of the paper according to APA format. Remember that not all journals listed in the various available databases are nursing journals. (The journal articles are what is going to help you answer the questions below)

A.You should answer these questions in the review of literature these three categories are headers:

  • Why is this diagnosis a health problem for this community? target group?
  • What are the current nursing interventions for this problem?
  • What interventions have been successful and what interventions have NOT been successful?

Part II: Nursing Process: Planning

3.Planning: Give the plan a title this title must be consistent on the title page, on the second page, and here.

4.Short Term Goal: List 2 short term goals (one for each of the identified priority nursing diagnoses from your Community Assessment Part 2: each with the time frame targeted before the end of the semester so by December, 2021). Remember that education is a strategy not an outcome or goal. Consider: What do you want to change? Are you seeking a quantitative change in disease morbidity or a qualitative change in social norms or attitudes? Defining your specific goals and objectives will help focus the strategies. Remember this has to be something that a nurse is capable of addressing at a community level.

5.Measurable Objectives: Write three measurable, time specific learner objectives for each of the identified health problems (one activity/one measurable outcome) MEANING YOU WILL HAVE SIX TOTAL. State the learning domain for each of the six objectives; write in the domains of Cognitive; Affective; and/or Psychomotor. Remember in order to have an effective program intervention, all three of the objectives do not need to be in the cognitive domain, nor would you necessarily have one objective for each of the domains.

  • Summary of Objectives: Consider each group of 3 objectives together addressing the specific goal together (so here 2 paragraphs for Goal #1 + 3 objectives for Goal #1 AND 2 paragraphs for Goal #2 + 3 objectives for Goal #2). The two paragraphs for each group of objectives address the following areas:
  • The Objectives are: (1.) Specific; (2.) Measurable; (3.) Reasonable/Feasible; (4.) Fit with a community-based setting; and (5.) Easily understood by clients. In text citations must be included to support your statements as rationale/evidence.

6.Budget: Create a brief budget (must be in Table format according to APA). What will you need to implement these community nursing interventions? Determine a budget for the project. You are going to need to include the fact that you are essentially conducting 2 different nursing interventions. Consider the following:

a.Time: Consider $14.00/hr for student nurse rate (consider that you would have a 45 hour projected time to complete the project and that you will have other student nurses assisting you on the project)

b.Note projected number of participants (how many people do you anticipate educating or who will come to the event?)

c.Materials: while brochures may be donated in kind- or perhaps made-there is still typically an associated cost

d.List other resources needed for the project (facilities, consultants, trainers, etc)

e.Other factors?

f.Be sure to total out the amount of the project using APA format guidelines

Part III: Nursing Process: Intervention and Evaluation (you will be using the table format for this section of the paper as identified below)

Implementation of Intervention and Evaluation. Create an educational plan (topical outline) providing a detailed outline of how your group specifically plans on implement these interventions, addressing each of the identified objectives. You do not need to actually do this because you do not have the time. This will also involve an explanation of how these interventions relate to the Public Health Intervention Wheel. The last part of this involves detailing the evaluation criteria used to determine if the interventions were successful; how would your group know if your interventions were successful or not (hypothetically). This must be done in the formatted table provided below within the paper.

a.Identify Evidence-based Interventions: Health Promotion Strategies/Methods

  • Interventions need to be a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).
  • This MUST include analyzing data collected and reviewing evidence-based interventionsYour intervention must be based on data showing the intervention has been done in the past somewhere and was effective (which you would have done through your literature search).
  • Planning will also include reflecting on barriers and social and cultural considerations. Ask yourself if this will have a positive health impact in the designated population? How do you know? Are the goals realistic? Other considerations when writing your interventions and evaluation:

oIdentify your target population.

o Describe how you will reach out to your target population.

o Include strategies to engage your target population.

o Describe where the intervention will take place.

o Identify when your intervention will take place

o Will it take place once or multiple times?

o Identify those in the community that you will collaborate with (e.g., physicians office, church, local resources, etc.). Explain what level(s) of prevention is your intervention addressing (primary, secondary intervention)

oEvaluation: Describe the method you would use to evaluate whether your intervention was effective When would you measure these outcomes?

oDescribe the short-term and long-term impact on your community if the intervention is successful.

7.Describe in detail the strategies/methods (these are your interventions; using the table included below and as seen in the sample paper) for each of the 2 groups of three objectives. Remember to use headers throughout this section to clearly articulate the intervention. Make sure to refer to the sample paper this cannot be GENERIC descriptions these need to be SPECFIC as if you are actually going to do these within your community so very detailed. (see resources for some ideas and strategies)

Goal #1:

  • List Objective One; then describe primary and secondary prevention strategies. Provide a brief overview of your intervention. Discuss why this intervention is a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).
  • List Objective Two; then, describe primary and secondary prevention strategies. Discuss why this intervention is a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).
  • List Objective Three; then, describe primary and secondary prevention strategies. Discuss why this intervention is a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).

Goal #2:

  • List Objective One; then describe primary and secondary prevention strategies. Discuss why this intervention is a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).
  • List Objective Two; then, describe primary and secondary prevention strategies. Discuss why this intervention is a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).
  • List Objective Three; then, describe primary and secondary prevention strategies. Discuss why this intervention is a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).

a.Tailor strategies to community culture: make sure to illustrate how your interventions address culturally competent care within your community. Strategies should be unique to your community based on its needs, the demographics of individuals in the community, the capacity of the hospital and the community partners you decide to work with. Be aware of how the culture and environment of your community fits with an intervention. This is an area where engaging external stakeholders can be extremely valuable, as they can provide guidance regarding which strategies would be socially and culturally acceptable.

b.Remember, you are writing strategies at the levels of Primary Prevention & Secondary Prevention level (do not include Tertiary Prevention level strategies in this paper.)

8.Evaluation: Use three sub headers that reflect measures for each objective:

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

The text in paragraph form (within the table) should follow each of the headers. In the text, tell the reader how the outcomes of each objective are measured/assessed at both the primary and secondary level of prevention. Remember that an evaluation measure is based on a particular objective. An evaluation is the appraisal of the effects of activities and/or program interventions. An evaluation is conducted in order to determine the relevance, progress, efficiency, effectiveness & impact of program activities.

DISPLAY IN LANDSCAPE FORMAT. USE SINGLE SPACING. (Points deducted if not in appropriate format.)


Learning Domain

Topical Outline for Each Objective include timeline (Interventions)

Plan for Evaluation

List each objective separately




For each objective-

Identify if the learning domain




  • These interventions must be evidence based
  • Write a topical outline for the plan to reflect objectives
  • Include strategies at the levels of primary and secondary prevention:

-Based on objectives (formative and summative)

-Appraisal of the effects of activities or programs

-To determine relevance, progress, efficiency, effectiveness & impact of program activities

9.References page according to APA 7th edition


Some organizations have synthesized studies on various community health needs to provide you with the most promising, evidence-based practices. Those are available at:

  •  : Resource to help identify programs and policies proven to improve health and prevent disease.
  • : An interactive database of interventions to address socioeconomic factors, the physical environment, health behaviors and clinical care.
  • : Targeting six common health issues with 18 proven interventions.
  • ): Strategies for achieving health impact in five years.
  •  provides evidence of effectiveness strategies to address priority community health needs based on existing research.
  •  (hit topics tab to find interventions)
  •  Find a relevant topic area in the topics area which will then give you objectives and evidence based resources