response to classmate 2- Discussion: Ethics in the Public Sector

6-1 Discussion

Kelly Davies posted Apr 24, 2022 6:35 AM

There are numerous examples of corporate malfeasance, from Enron to WorldCom. In the public sector, an example is Mayor Kilpatrick from Detroit, who is currently serving a 28-year sentence for corruption.

As a newly appointed leader in the public sector, how would you highlight the importance of ethics to your team? What tools or techniques could you use?

As a public sector leader, there are several steps that I would take to highlight the importance of ethics with my team. 

First, its important to assess the threats to ethical conduct (Whitton, 2001).  There are always temptations to overlook things, or even to steal public finds, and acknowledging these realities is an important first step.

Another important technique that goes with this, is fostering a culture of ethics amongst my team (Whitton, 202=01).  My team needs to believe in the importance of professionalism and support for the rule of law.

Compliance tracking and reporting, as well as performance management techniques that support ethical values are other helpful tools (Whitton, 2001).  Essentially, it needs to be expected and verified that everyone serving in the public sector is conducting themselves legally and ethically, and there need to be clear consequences when they do not.

Kelly Davies


Whitton, H. (2001, February). ‘implementing effective ethics standards in … – OECD. Retrieved April 22, 2022, from

****** In your response to classmates, respectfully critique their ideas for tools or techniques to promote ethics within the public sector.

For your response posts, do the following: 

Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs. 

Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like I agree or You are wrong. Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt. 

Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly or popular sources. *******