PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS*** Answer 20 Star Chart Questions

Directions:  Answer 20 Star Questions using the attached graphs

Unless instructed otherwise, use only your SC001 and SC002 star charts (guided by my hints) to determine the answers to the following questions about the four star charts given in Figures 1-4 below.
However, in some of the questions, you are instructed to use Stellarium.
While the letters A-O are used in the figures, you may NOT use those letters in your answers (unless specifically instructed otherwise). You can only use the actual names of the stars, constellations, etc.

– Figure 1 Questions:

The three brightest starts in this Figure (below) are indicated by the three letters A, B, and C. Answer the following questions using only the SC001 and SC002 star charts, unless otherwise instructed in the question.

1.  Of the three lettered stars (A, B, C) in this figure, what is the name of the one that is furthest from the celestial equator? (Remember to give the star’s name, not letter A, B, or C.)

2.  What is the name of the constellation that includes star A?

3.  About halfway between the stars lettered with A and B, there is a deep sky object. (There is no symbol for the object itself on Figure 1, but there is on your star charts.) Is this object a galaxy, a nebula, or a cluster? (Remember to only use your star charts to answer this question.)

4.  According to your star chart, what is the declination of the star labelled with the letter B?

5.  According to Stellarium, what is the name of the most bright of the three stars A, B, or C? (Remember to give the star’s name, not letter A, B, or C.)

– Figure 2 Questions

This Figure (below) has the letters D, E,F and G in it. The letters E and F are near bright stars, while the letter G is directly under a cluster of stars. Answer the following questions using only the SC001 and SC002 star charts, unless otherwise instructed in the question.

6.  What is the name of the star indicated by the letter F?

7.  What day of the year will the sun be nearest in the sky to the object indicated with the letter G?

8.  What is the name of the constellation that includes the area marked by the letter D?

9.  The letter G is immediately under a small grouping of stars. According to your star charts, what is this groupings name? (It is given in italic font.)

10.  According to Stellarium, what time did the star marked with the letter E rise on December 1 this year? (Give your answer for a Sacramento observer.)

– Figure 3 Questions

This Figure (below) has the letters H, I, J, K in it. The letters H and I are near fairly bright stars. K is near a star that is circled for clarity. Answer the following questions using only the SC001 and SC002 star charts, unless otherwise instructed in the question.

11.  The star marked with a letter J is in a constellation with several medium-bright stars. On your star charts, one of the stars in this constellation is indicated by the Greek letter gamma (), which looks much like a cursive version of the letter “y”. What kind of star is this? (Hint: I am NOT asking for its magnitude.)

12.  What is the name of the star indicated by the letter H? (Give its actual name, not nickname–if you know it.)

13.  The following is a list of constellations: Cassiopeia, Draco, Orion, Perseus, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor. Which of these constellations does NOT occur in the area illustrated in Figure 3? (Hint: only one of the constellations is not in the area in Figure 3.)

14.  What is the name of the star indicated by the letter I?

15.  According to Stellarium, what is another name (besides that one printed on your star charts) for the circled star near the letter K? (Hint: this is given in Stellarium on the same line as the star name. Do not give one of the catalogue designations like 26 Per, etc.)

– Figure 4 Questions

This Figure (below) has the letters L, M, N, and O on it. The letter L is near a bright star. Answer the following questions using only the SC001 and SC002 star charts, unless otherwise instructed in the question.

16.  The letter M is located in what constellation?

17.  Which letter, L, M, N, or O, indicates a part of the sky occupied by the constellation Ophiuchus?

18.  If Mercury was in conjunction with the sun, and was in the constellation indicated by the letter M, approximately what is the date?

19.  The star labelled with the letter L is in what constellation?

20.  According to Stellarium, on October 16, 2021, what planet will appear close to the star indicated by the letter L? (Hint: set Stellarium to an hour after sunset.)