
Air, housing. Moreover, invertebrate herbivores and you will see that this sprays down where you can almost. It's almost unobservable. That's how much crazy pressure is on it. And then these grades are very rapidly eaten by bigger things like groupers and sharks. So once you get. A flux of energy. I mean, it is underlined captured by the sea of the coral. And then that goes. The grazers go into what we call the starting shaft, so we're living in our team. Yeah. With everything. Answer. This system is. So you get the energy from the sunlight captured by these main organisms here going to the crazy. Add, of course, the first thing that humans do and are most destructive or race is we actually killed this. Sharks and groupers, right? This is just some data. All right. And this is an example. Where we got, where we measured the biomass of the chart. Different areas, different types of chains in the Central Pacific. And every place. One problem is. And then going. My access is the amount of fire. In the grade. Areas highlight places with no human influences or few human influences, and then in the white partner Start, humans are common fishing. It's not their passports, so this would be a chance improvers are dramatic with the RR. Really produced in places where people go to. This is probably the company. Since the Second World War, and that's because there were many technologies developing really loud during the Second World War. And so we're left with these systems that are over there and what that looks like. Yes, yes, this is how it changes the food. With. And razors and that let's figure out. Start. And produces a whole bunch of sugar. That's the main thing. It's doing emphasis, and the more server it produces, the more it can feed microbes that we call this server. The water dissolved carbon. You can just think of the sugar. And then you get larger microbial communities and constancies, which kill off the coral. Which creates more space for the. Which creates more sugar, more microbes, than more disease. And so this positive feedback system is what killed, not risk. We comment down on disease. Microbes. This whole process of making more micros as a cost of the bigger organisms, like the Sharks Tampa group, is called micro. And this is just so your know-how. So these are all these islands we worked on. In the central Pacific, so everywhere from and down into the line. And discover a wide variety of bold biogeochemical and human occupations sites, and what we'll do is we will go out, and one part of the team will count the fix, and so they lay down their line on the bottom. And they go along that line. They count the number of steps that are square meters above that. Species. There's another team that goes down. They check the types of coral and algae, how much is on the bottom, and then finally, the microbiologist. We go down and we get a sample of water, and then we break that Max. We can tell how big the bacteria are. How many of them are so it's every now with this what we're getting with the fish. Anyway, give me something. Add. I'm not gonna go through this actually hurt things of this nature. What's important to remember is that small organisms require more energy. Body mass. So that's why there's a lot more energy. Per gram. And roughly speaking, about 1 gram of microbes is about the equivalent of 500 grams the fish. We are giving systems where. Normally we never have even 500 grams of fish in the water column, so any increase in the microbes is pretty dramatic, and this is put into something that just is called microbial, or so we're just saying how much energy is going into. Running into them into their favorite organisms and we plan against another way of measuring. And when I want you to do this, it's not. There's a really strong positive for olation. And when you're in a Microbialite system. This is a lot. All of the energy is going into microbes, and nothing is going in, and if you're not a nice Christine system like taking went down here at the bottom. Actually goes into the office. And the reason is it's a cool biology sort of trailer. So this is a picture of the bottom and. Everything's probably seen this in like a pawn. So what happens with algae is doing photosynthesis. It produces sugar and oxygen. But in the case of the oxygen bubbles, so once you get into the enrichment of sugar and you lose oxygen. Quarrels are different because of quarrels. And they have inside them, they help. And so when? The server and the oxygen go directly to the animal and so that they're always connected. So you'll always have oxygen. It sounds like he used to do respiration. That's what we all are doing. Here. Here we've got strong. So what is happening is word deoxygenating the core race of the world, and God is a system where like. This is what it looks like and the artistic version of it. So healthy coral reefs have lots of big fish, and they are doing a lot of grazing the. About comedy. Retain oxygen. System. Overfishing reduces the grazing rates on Algy. You get more oxygen bubbles away from that policy and the organic carbon accumulates, which stimulates alpha genes and kills. Global stressors like higher water temperature and insert ification actually increased us because microbes actually grow faster than the water temperature goes up. Hot water holds less oxygen, and acidification actually makes it easier for them to eat. Organic carbon that's in the water. So all of these things are working on getting this appropriate. The challenge that we're working against. So why don't we? This is, you know, this is a relevant question. So why I told me. But people like. So the estimated value is something about $10 billion per year. The other thing that's important when coral reefs live course is actually coastal protection, and this one may be even more probable than. If you don't have your ocean road. So you don't want to build. With my mind, you don't want to build things to protect your short line with the cross of doing that. Fisheries, of course, are also important. And then finally, one thing that people are interested in, it is how the biodiversity contributes to possible. So when is that? How many species have? Drugs are the property. So the answers to that, so this isn't how we approached it. The working group would go out and we would set up these things called farms. And. It's about 5000 times. And this is what they look like after they've been out there. So they're full of all these beautiful little invertebrates, and some vertebrates, like all the crowds and crowds and so forth, as well as all these things. Quarrels. From sponges? Recognizing a whole bunch of stuff here. So we take this stop and test. We're biologists. We feel like what we do is make spray all of it together. We put in a big blender and we sequenced the DNA to tell you what types of things are there. And then we take them also. To see. Potential therapeutic drugs. Overall, what we've seen is that there are 2.5 million species on the arms of new collected, and each arm will literally have 10s of thousands of species. This is just the way of God. This is a number that tells you whether they turn first or not, so it's used by Brantley just in general. It's called the standard weaker diversity and what I'd like to point out is that are actually extremely diverse. They're the most diverse ecosystems we've ever observed. So ready for us with. And in then the coral triangle area, we're seeing the diversity of about 6. The other thing to do is to predict how many arms we would need to capture most of the diversity and what we're finding is that maybe 100,000 arms would be enough to capture most of the world. This project, which is called the coral Reef Parks project. The idea is if you would deploy these arms for three to five years. You would grab them and you would transfer them to the superstructures, which we call arts. And then we would take the arts and we would take are them in places at safe places. If they get away from that microbial isation sort of stressors. And then we would have different. We would put series arcs together to create things called art parts. And the idea here would be that you would recover most of the ecosystem function of an attack or rate, but they would be in new places. They will see each other, and even he used to be able to restore or create new or risk different parts that world. So what does it take to actually do this? So this is the coral that this side criterion that we would need. So first they have to see where they write, they have to be out there and they have to be inexpensive. We have to be able to do the main thing we know is that they have to increase the local oxygen for all those microbial isation things we talked about and we want them to recruit positions. So this is from looks like or. This is at other types this it's constructed out of PVC, fiberglass and stainless steel. This is what types we made for. Recently, like Satan looked up around and the reason we chose these structures, there's a whole bunch of things that are structure. It takes very good, but geodesic to make a very strong structure. The other thing is, is we tend to use, we want them to be small and able to move them around because if I when I'm using a large boat, it's gonna cost me $50,000 a day. All boats. It will cost me some pizza and maybe $50 of gas. So we tend to use what these small structures and then just use multiple points. Want to learn? So we're working hypothesis now is that the correct geometry will be as sufficient to meet these initial design criteria, which I said word oxygen recruitment. So it's sitting on the first we built the structure and then we put different types of harm ish sort of things on there. In this case, this is a DNA-looking italics, and they're very few poles, our places. And that becomes important because we're comparing it to something of the same. But have a whole bunch of different sizes in it and this is what we call this. One works out fidelity and what we put is things that are like the arms. Different sizes, so that's what's going on in the two popcorns here. These are arms with different hole sizes in them for different things. So what happened to that? So that's the primary design criteria. So if we look at the arts things on the arts, what we see is the oxygen level. So this is the oxygen is on the Y axis. Time is going faster. And we're comparing the arts. And what we'll see, what we see is that. Is it always? Thing that takes off the bottom or get higher oxygen things. We're also checking to see if in these arms, so we probably number these different sizes inside the arms. Do we get the same oxygen levels? And again, this is just looking at oxygen on the side. The Y axis and these are different time series and then the different bar graphs are just the oxygen that we measure in the different sizes and what you'll notice is that there's really no difference. So we're basically seeing the same with oxygen. That means even if the smallest size is not creating conditions where the animals and stuff are experienced love. Now the other design is. Recruit. Racers and so this is the two that are in the first stop. So here's the deal. And you'll notice that there's actually just a lot more fish around. With quantified this by sending stupid divers out, and again it's the same idea that we use when we're doing surveys in the world. You know how. You you scratch it off with things on the bottom where you say this is this same volume that they are. So here's the volume measure. This is where we're measuring they are, which you can see in here, and then this is a control sign up just in the water column. And again, we do that thing where we count the number that we identify the species and we get about the size as well as what they do, whether they eat other fish or. Aren't they grazers? But yeah. Two months, we actually get more of this on the art. Then we get on the sea floor or the the one column. And so incisor coming out there tend to block belong to the plate. Divorce. So these are guys that like to eat. And so they like this structure or if they can hide. From project. Yeah, The thing is. So this remember in this case we just set things out. We haven't added arms yet, they have that. We're just seeing what is colonizing that systems. So initially when we start, of course we have fewer, we have more Burger Burger City on the sea floor and less on the arts within the first month like the second month though actually starting to get quite different. On the on the arts and these are just some examples. There's lots of worms. And most importantly, our kids grazers like the sea urchins. So we're seeing just the structure itself is recruiting a whole bunch of invertebrate diversity and they're doing that job we want. They're going through in their braces. So this is the Gracie marks. Yard. So what we have now is a structure that can see where they. It does increase the local oxygen conditions and a recruits on deficient in from razors for helping control being that problem. We don't put on it, so this is just where we see the top of one of the arms on the Ark. And just to see how well supported doing so, are we creating a system where the crowds are happy? This is easy and this is a way of measuring. Go down any measure the the further synthetic output of the algae living in the coral and that's what's plotted on the Y axis. And then what you can see is that when we take the coral and we look at them over time, the ones that are on the. Better than the ones that are sitting on the bottom. Currently we're doing a whole bunch of research into different types of geometries, materials and so forth, so the prototypes are built out of plastic. We wanna get away from lots of building things. In a sustainable way. So we're doing a whole bunch of testing out different types of materials as well as arrangements to further the goal of getting recruitment and building the sustainable structures. We're also looking at budget word. Hearing around town and this whole question type and it mostly that of course. And then this is where we think it's going. So we've got the plugin structures which we could use to build our parts, which would be for conservation. Away from or get that. Systems away from work. And then using these structures of variants and then to build things that are new. And this would just be basically stopped the arts onto each other. Alright, so that's a good place for me to stop with this part of the talk. Do you guys have any questions before I go on to the second part?

So because my computer right? So. If you drop sugar. Insert water and you absolutely and and then you shut off the oxygen. So that's effectively what's happening at the coral reef level. It's not quite as dramatic as that, because of course, there's water coming, new water coming in to bring in some oxygen. But overall, you are accumulated organic matter into tritis affectively and then the bacteria are quite happy to chill out. And they use up the oxygen as a delete and then unlike so animals and so forth can't really do anything without extra oxygen around. So the microbes can use other electron acceptor's. So they can actually use up the argument they they can use organic matter. But they can also use organic matter without oxygen, and when they do that, the system is suboxic and it's really very bad for most animals at that point. Yeah. Thank you. Cool. Alright, so I'll move on and this this part is short. It's it's. Everything. So we're dealing with a lot at the moment. So one of the real problems is everybody is aware of is that we're releasing a whole bunch of. And this is just today. These model predictions of where we would expect CHORALS to be stressed. If we keep releasing. Change in temperature water temperature so you can see in my bed. You know 2050 we would really be getting very substantial stress events all over the world. So the way that you can one way you could remediate this is of course. Capture this in using biology and then seeking it. If you place this. So this is called the biological pump. It's one of the main ways that remove from the atmosphere and So what you have is. Is it equilibrium when the water and then if you have something doing for the synthesis in the water it will capture that CO2 and then if you could get it to sink to the bottom, you depending on what parts of the ocean. Get down to two dot CO2 to be sequestered from our. Hundreds of thousands of billions of years, so when we actually mean is something like the tree, it will sync after. So this is the scale of the problem. At the rate we're going, we're going to be really, really see 50. Steel per year and the possible solution is something like these being like a telephone. Answer about my program. How many of these things would I need to capture all of this? You come up with this really large number. And this is how we're actually approaching it. So it's pretty easy to get the help to form sports. So you can get really. In an hour, and then we could. So we're building the systems that coupled us to what we call a statement. So that help floats in the water column. So like a plan and what we're doing is we're building a system or systems where this help. Patches to one side of a couple and then the sinker. The clamps attach the other side just by using different. And you create this little structure which doesn't come up, that there is effectively a. It designed system where you have a little kelp sport or can I little kelp from attached to it and you like this girl overtime and this floats and this photosynthesis until at some point the secrets and causes the system to cloud. Sing.