International Negotiations Style Comparison

Please follow instructions:

1.    You will compare the negotiating style of your one (1) chosen country to that of the UAE.

2.    Some of the topics you could research( but not all)  are:

Relationships and respect
Culture of the country
Direct or indirect?
Disagreements, open conflict or always polite?
Loud and aggressive or quiet and cooperative?
Initial contact and meetings
Alone or in groups?
Meet over lunch or in office?
Gestures and body language?
Shaking hands (now with Covid)?
Business cards used?
Attitudes and styles
Sharing of information
Pace of negotiations
Deceptive techniques misrepresentation, lying, etc.
Decision making who has power?
Agreements and Contracts
All terms written?
Women in Business
Women with decision-making authority?
Attire (what to wear)
Alcohol accepted?
Time is money
Saving face
Straight forward or implied?
Need approval every step of the way or negotiator has final say
Developing relationships first or straight to business?
Timelines: strict or casual?

3.    Your summary must include your opinion of which country’s negotiation style you like best and why.

4.    Your submission must be a minimum of 1,000 words, double spaced, with 1 margins.  References will be on a separate page and not included in the 1,000-word count.