
LDR-612: CLC – Leadership Resources and Motivators

Nicole Nola, Shane Goodreau, Sarah Garay

Directions: Complete this template with a list of 20 resources that your group has compiled throughout the course using proper APA formatting, applying alpha order sequencing within each section. Include at least one of each type.

Designate a team member to submit this document to the discussion forum.

References (Books)



References (Journal Articles)


References (Wall Street Journal)


References (Other News Articles)



Edit, check grammar and Submit assignment

References (Podcasts)


References (Quotes)


Your team's list of resources must include a minimum of twenty citations with a brief (100-200 words) description of the resources and examples for using the resources in your personal life or work environment.

This description should not use more than one direct quote.

References (Movies; max of two)


Two movie references

Your team's list of resources must include a minimum of twenty citations with a brief (100-200 words) description of the resources and examples for using the resources in your personal life or work environment.

This description should not use more than one direct quote.

References (Video clips; max of two)


Two video clips (youtube links) with 100 word

Your team's list of resources must include a minimum of twenty citations with a brief (100-200 words) description of the resources and examples for using the resources in your personal life or work environment.

This description should not use more than one direct quote.

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