
Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions

Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions


Please use the dd month yyyy format for the date for example 11 January 2008. The main title can be one or two lines long.

Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions

Collecting data – a process

Identify the objectives

  • What problems are you trying to address?
  • What information have you already got?
  • What information/data do you need?

Defining key indicators

  • What are measurable (and sensible) variables?
  • What are the broader parameters; i.e. what org level are we investigating?

Decide on data gathering methods

  • One or more methods (not limited to type/nature of method)
  • Clarity on the nature of the problem will help to decide

Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions

Methods for assessment & diagnosis

  • (Self-)Audits
  • E.g. SWOT
  • Documentary/Secondary data
  • Sociograms
  • Qualitative methods
  • Focus groups
  • Interviews
  • Observations
  • Quantitative methods


Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions



Why would you want to use a Questionnaire Survey?

Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions

Purpose of surveys

  • To obtain information from, or about, a defined set of people
  • To obtain information that cannot be easily observed
  • To obtain information that is not readily available in written or computer held forms

Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions

Purpose of surveys

  • Test an Hypothesis
  • Explore an Issue/Problem
  • Identify a Group for Further Research ( Qualify)
  • Obtain Reactions to an Idea
  • Monitor Changes

Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions

Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions

Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveys


  • Cover large numbers
  • Time
  • Cost
  • Simple
  • Face validity with leaders


  • Response bias
  • Limited data
  • Misinterpretation
  • Influenced by context

Reflections and Questions

Organisational Diagnosis and Interventions