Question for Critical Reflection 5 (Advanced Organizational Behavior class)

Hi, again:) basically you should write about 600 words for my organizational class’s Question for Critical Reflection. And the professor provided us instruction like how to write and what to write for critical reflection. Also, she provided us lecture ppt, so you should write my critical reflection based on this. (Professor wants us to read provided ppt and write it) ***Also, you can choose ONLY **ONE QUESTION** and critically discuss***

1) The organisational behaviours can be interpreted differently by cultural/institutional differences. Different logics of organisation are effective in different societal contexts. Some contexts are more favourable/unfavourable to the particular practices. Discuss this divergent perspective in international management with examples.

2) Explore and discuss theoretical and practical implications of one of the cultural theories that youve learned today for managing people in the contemporary global business environment.

3) A senior manager of a multinational company headquartered in London has been appointed to a five-year international assignment as a Country-Chairperson in Japan. As a UK expatriate how might he/she prepare for this assignment? Your discussion should draw on relevant theories of culture, and/or institutional theory.

Please choose ONE QUESTION and critically discuss.


Please write not more than 700 words.

It should be based on the lecture and offer evidence of further study. The professor is going to seek and value our contribution: both academically in advancing a sound argument, or a fresh perspective regarding a chosen topic; and our demonstrated ability to draw lessons from them.