herbal medicine dentity evaluate and manage pelvic pain among the Asian women population by utilizing alternative therapist medicine and cultural remedies


Guidelines for Womens Health Project
The Women’s Health Project is a brief paper written after the student has had the opportunity to investigate and learn some new women’s health  information (NOT OBSTETRIC).  The student may choose the topic, but it must be submitted to course faculty for approval. The student will make a brief presentation to a community target audience through a brochure, commercial, radio commercial, addressing a class, being a guest speaker.
If the student has any questions to the appropriateness of the experience, she should ask the lead faculty or her faculty person.
The paper should be no longer than 15 pages and does have to be in APA format. The student will include at least 5 articles from current literature which are not older than 5 years. 
Following faculty approval of the selected topic, students will design a project that, can be shared in their community.  The following guidelines are to be followed:
Part 1 Paper Requirements
1. Have the topic APPROVED by faculty prior to beginning. Please e-mail your topic of interest, population, and target audience. This MUST be a gynecologic topic that has implications highlighting cultural disparity or vulnerable populations. Distinguish if you are teaching peers or a community audience about the selected issue.
2. Synthesize evidence-based information that relates to the health of women within a selected, targeted group/culture. (This should include relevant discussion e.g. age, race, ethnicity, religion, community, provider to specific population, common womens disease) [5 points for review of literature]
3. Include review of and cite 5 or more current peer -reviewed articles that will describe the issue (history and past management, current issues). [5 points for relevant, supporting, peer-reviewed journal articles]
4. The length of the APA paper, including title page and references should NOT exceed 10
pages. *Note this is a scholarly, APA paper. An appendix of your product is not counted toward the 10-page limit.
5. The product you use to educate your professional or public audience should be included as an appendix to the formal paper e.g. a power point, newsletter, web site, brochure, podcast. BE CREATIVE in finding a way to share the information you want to disseminate to your audience.
Part 2 Dissemination
1. Choose an appropriate media form in which you will disseminate this information to the selected audience and disseminate the educational information, any format of your choosing, before the day the paper is due.
(Examples: make a poster for a high school regarding safe sex and lecture a student class; write an article for a womans magazine/newsletter and submit for publication; design a blog or web page and launch it; create a power point or speaker notes for presentation to a womans group that will be given; be interviewed on radio/TV on a womens health topic.)
Part 3- Presentation
Develop a recorded presentation to share with your classmates about your project and the community presentation experience. Post this zoom presentation in the discussion board for this topic.
Part 4- Interaction
View your classmates’ recorded presentation and comment on at least 5 presentations.
Women’s Health Project
Women’s Health Project
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
5.0 pts
-Provides sufficient background information -Clearly introduces controversy surrounding the topic chosen
2.5 pts
-Minimal background information provided -Minimal introduction to controversy surrounding chosen topic
0.0 pts
-No background information -No premise set up
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation Presented
5.0 pts
Substantive discussion. Covers the key points of the issue -Discusses cultural implications -discusses management implications – discusses the role of the CNM
2.5 pts
-Minimal development of key issues -minimal discussion of cultural implications -minimal discussion of practice implications – minimal discussion of role of CNM
0.0 pts
-No development of key issues -No discussion of cultural implications -NO discussion of practice implications – No discussion of role of CNM
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan for Presentation
5.0 pts
-Clearly recommends specific plan -Suggested plan for presentation is reasonable based on the findings in the literature Appropriate for intended audience
2.5 pts
Vague recommendation for action -Suggested action is minimally reasonable based on the findings in the literature -Minimally persuasive for suggested action -Minimally appropriate for intended audience – Minimal reflection of learning experience
0.0 pts
-No recommendation for action -Suggested action is unreasonable based on the findings in the literature -Not persuasive for suggested action -No consideration of audience – No reflection of learning experience
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
5.0 pts
-Reference list contains at least 5 journal articles -All references are current (<5 years old)
0.0 pts
-Reference list is absent
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat/ APA/ Spelling/ Grammar
5.0 pts
-Well-organized -Good use of grammar and spelling -Appropriate APA format
2.5 pts
-Organization needs improvement -Occasional spelling and grammar errors – minimal errors in APA format