caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations)

Purpose of Assignment:
According to Larson, Brady, Engelmann, Perkins, and Shultz (2013), the development of professional identity is a continuous process that begins with admission to the nursing program and evolves throughout ones professional career in a dynamic and fluid process where interacting relationship of education and practice lead to self-reflection, growth, and human flourishing (p. 138).
Larson, J., Brady, N., Engelmann, L., Perkins, B., & Shultz, C. (2013). The formation of professional identity in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives.34 (2). p 138.
This course includes a project with three parts. Each part builds off prior knowledge to help you create your nurse professional identity. In the first part, you examine the role of the nurse and scope of practice, which will help you identify the nurses role. In the second part, you describe the importance of the code of ethics in nursing, and examine the standards of nursing practice for the role you are obtaining during the nursing program. The final submission requires you to use the first two parts of your assignment to explain your belief of caring in nursing, describe your professional identity, and identify a potential professional organization that you may join to help support your development.


Prepare a two to three page written assignment that includes the following:

    Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment: caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations)
    Explain your belief of caring in nursing (self, nursing, environment, and profession)
    Describe your professional identity including your beliefs, values, motives, and experiences
    Discuss two professional organizations/associations you plan to be involved in during your nursing career.Write this section in first person. Still need citation. Use Adventhealth and Black nurses rock.
    Conclusion (reflect on the criteria of the assignment; caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations)
    Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the website for a professional organization or association, and another resource could be a textbook. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style.

    Two to three page written assignment (not including ref page or title page)
    Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
    Logical, original and insightful
    Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
    Run your paper through Grammarly and make corrections to identified errors before submission. Resources: