Monster Films

Please answer the questions below in a single space, 12 pt Times Roman font with 1- inch margins. You will be evaluated on how well you can draw on the readings in your answers. You can paraphrase the readings and use direct quotes, but you will need to explain the meaning of the quotes and how they support your answer. Every quote you use must be explained and tied into your answer. You must correctly define and use all concepts, draw on the readings explicitly and correctly, rely on the reading, not the lecture notes for answers, and provide specific examples from films to support your answer. Must have access to watch the following films.

1. Use your readings to name two (2) ways in which vampires subvert traditional patriarchal structure. Give a specific example from the film “The Interview with the Vampire” for each. (15pts)

2. What is the relationship between vampire representation in film and disease? Use your readings and give a specific example from the film “The Interview with the Vampire”. (10pts)

3. Who are the monsters in the film “28 Days Later”? Why? (5pts)

4. Use the readings to explain how Coleman defines horror noire. (5pts)

5. Use the readings to explain how the film “Candyman” represents monstrous heterosexuality? How does monstrous heterosexuality and Blackness relate to white femininity in the movie? Please give a specific example for each part of the question. (10pts)