Covid 19

1)Research a particular problem related to a topic of your choosing. (Covid-19).The goal of the project is to advocate for a particular solution to that problem.

That means your research should not just cover what writers think are the causes and effects of your problems, but, most importantly, discover what kinds of solutions are proposed.

Ultimately you will argue for why one particular solution is better than the others. What makes it more effective? Why are the others not as effective?


2.) Perform an analysis of a cultural text. You will analyze a text of your choosing. It can be a different documentary, an TV series, an artist’s work, an artistic genre. You will diagnose a problem exhibited by this text, and advocate for a solution. The text itself will be the primary source, and you will find 3 additional sources form a library database and the open web.


Regardless of what option you choose, you must come up with a focused research question to guide your database queries and website research. From your research, you will develop a thesis that answers your question. You will use a minimum of 5 sources to support your thesis.