4.2 Population and Sample

I attached a copy of my research paper (You MUST read it) so you will know what my research is about) I attached a copy of an example paper for you to use as a guide to complete this assignment  I also attached some qualitative reads to support your work

My Research: will be a qualitative Case Study
VERY IMPORTANT) The participants for this study are women who have been out of prison/jail for a minimum of two years and have completed any community control sanctions (probation/parole).

MY population of women would not be considered Vulnerable, because they are no longer involved in the criminal justice system, they have completed all community control sanctions and no longer have a probation/parole officer and they are no longer on probation/parole.

You must have at least 20-30 current (within 5-7 years), scholarly,  PRIMARY resources to support work Use APA style in citing all resources.

This section should be a minimum of three (3) paragraphs.
    The first paragraph will include specific data/statistics and information describing the larger population from which you will recruit participants.  The population only expands to the limits of the recruitment sites.  This provides a portrayal of the population that is the focus of this study. Any data/statistics you report on the population should be no more than three to four years old. To define the population, you identify all the characteristics of the population that are implied but not stated explicitly in the research question. Here is a partial list of such characteristics (not all will apply to all studies): gender, age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, disability or medical condition, educational level, employment status, membership or role in an organization, company, church, educational institution, class, political party or group, and so on), geographic region, urban-rural-remote location, unique defining characteristic (having a particular illness, having had particular experiences, being expert in some issue, having received a particular treatment, and so on), other.
    The second paragraph will describe the sample that will participate in the study.  You will list the specific inclusion and exclusion criteria for participation in the study.  Exclusion criteria are not simply the opposite of inclusion criteria; rather they are certain features or conditions that potential participants cannot have present.
    The third paragraph will discuss the sample size by addressing the standard requirements for sample size for the research design being used.  Describe any nuances or challenges related to sample size and the particular research design being used.  The Universitys general guidelines for sample size are as follows. However, you will still need to provide scholarly support for the sample size for your study.

Reviewers will be using the following criteria to evaluate this section:

Section 4.2
1. Are there two to three paragraphs?
2. The first paragraph should describe the population of interest (descriptive statistics).
a. This population is what the sample will be drawn from; if the study is about providers, for example, then the descriptive data should be about providers, not the clients).
b. Descriptive stats should come from sources that are no older than three years. 3. The second paragraph should discuss sampling method and selection criteria in more detail.
a. Is the reason for the sampling method explained, supported with citations?
b. Are the selection criteria identified and supported with citations if not evident (e.g., if the study is about the experience of practitioners and the learner wants an inclusion criterion that participants should be between the ages of 25 40, the decision to focus on an age range needs to be justified if not evident by the question).
c. Exclusion criteria does not refer to anything that doesn’t meet the inclusion criteria: it refers to criteria for people who otherwise meet the inclusion criteria but still cannot be included in the study. This is usually done to guard against including vulnerable participants.
4. Sample size must also be discussed, either as part of the second paragraph or in the third paragraph.
a. The sample size must be justified with a citation. For most qualitative designs, the primary source for the design (e.g., Giorgi for descriptive/experimental phenomenological designs) typically justifies a sample size of 10. For generic qualitative, find an article on qualitative research that justifies a sample size of 10. 4. Learners discuss procedures in section 5, but this is a good opportunity to consider if what is being proposed seems feasible. This is the time to formally reach out to organizations where learners plan to recruit