Immigrants and impact on economy

I need to have an abstract, hypothesis, use 3 scholar articles, and a policy

Topic: Immigration and impact on the economy

    In my research paper I will be talking about immigrants. More importantly about their impact on the economy. In the American society typically when you hear the word immigrant you think of the individual in a negative perspective. Due to the history, public view and social media has made. Talking about the history and the experiences in the past there will be positive and negative actions, perspectives of immigrants. In addition to learning about their past the main focus will be on the impact to the American economy in both positive and negative way. 

Research Question: How do undocumented immigrants persevere the image of legal immigrants in the United States of America? 

-Social media, and media by itself has shown the general idea of an immigrant as the antagonist of the society.  Little there is shown about their positive impacts including, being building blocks to economic prosperity in addition to little or close to none representation in the government.  Due to such a negative imagine image in the eyes of the public, discrimination and oppression plays a major role in shaping their lives and their impact.
-High skilled immigrant contribute economic growth and higher production

The Effects of Immigration on the United States Economy (June 27th ,2016/ Penn State / Budget Model)
    -While some policymakers have blamed immigration for slowing U.S wage growth since the 1970s, most academic research finds little long run effect on Americans wages
    -The available evidence suggests that immigration leads to more innovation, a better educated workforce, greater occupational specialization, better matching of skills with job & higher overall economic productivity.
    -Immigration also has a net positive effect on combined federal, state, and local budgets, but not all taxpayers benefit equally.

Building a More Dynamic Economy: The Benefits of Immigration (June 26th,2019/
    -enough get up and go to get up and go
    -Immigrants make up 13.7 percent of the U.S population in 2017
    -30 percent of all new entrepreneurs in the U.S came from immigrants that year
    -Twice as likely as a native-born people to start businesses.
    -Immigrants own, 60% of all gas stations, 58% of all dry cleaners, 53% of all grocery stores, 45% of all nail salons, 38% of all restaurants
Quantitative Analysis:
-Chapter 5 of Borjas- The Wage Effects of Immigration: Structural Estimates
-Chapter 4 of Borjas- The Wage Effects of Immigration: Descriptive Evidence

Policy Analysis:
Immigration Policy/ The Immigration and Nationality Act
Will be able to demonstrate the reuniting and attraction of skilled immigrant labor to United States