Any topic (writer’s choice)

You work at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and your boss, Dr. XYZ has been approached by the Provost university to write a recommendation report for a program that will help students overcome barriers to declaring a major in (STEM or ARTS/HUMANITES). According to the department chairs (STEM or ARTS/HUMANITES) the program has been losing majors (students) for the last 5 years; the (STEM or ARTS/HUMANITES) discipline would like to increase the number of students to get the numbers back where they were. The Provost, Dean and Department Chairs would like you to consider why numbers are dropping and how the situation can be addressed. Given a budget of $900/year for the next two years, what would you recommend spending this money, actions, that would result in an increase of majors over the next 2 to 5 years? Your solutions will help recruit high school students and help retain college students in a program that will run for two full years at a cost of no more than $1,800.

Based on this information you have to fill out the given table. I will attach an example for you. You will have to google for random courses with total budget not more than $1800 per table.
There are two tables.