Healthcare Risk Management

In 150 words respond to the following scenario.  Also, please NOTE it does not have to be more than 150 words but it must be a minimum of 150 words.

Managing risks in healthcare organizations usually requires analyzing potential risks from multiple perspectives. Read the following scenario and respond to it as a risk manager:

A couple was in the General Hospital for the delivery of their child. In labor, they had to wait for nearly three hours to get a room, and none of the hospital staff even checked in on them. As the couple became frustrated, they spoke with one of the nurses who told them that this is the end of the nursing staffs shift and they need to wait on the upcoming shift.

When they spoke with the physician with whom they wanted to share their frustration regarding the wait times, the physician said, It is just the way things go wrong. You have to get used to it.

After delivery, the nurse carrying the infant slipped, but fortunately, the baby was unharmed. The explanation given was, There was disinfectant fluid on the floor, which made the floor a little slippery.

On discharge, the couple decided to sue the hospital. The physician admitted negligence and poor treatment but did not see a reason to apologize.

Put yourself in the position of all the people (as well as the hospital) involved in this scenario, and describe what could have been done differently. Your focus as a risk manager is prevention, and your analysis should be directed at preventing the initial action as well as re-actions.