Advertising and Marketing

Social Media ANALYSIS –


Please identify the #Followers, # Likes, # Views, for each type of Social Media etc.

Please Log in. If you dont have a Facebook page, please create one (which you could hopefully delete after the semester) or ask someone you know who uses Facebook to login for you.

Give a brief description of your impression/opinion about the social media page (effective, somewhat effective, up to date/not up to date, and reasons why, etc.)

Provide 6 Posts that JBJ Soul Kitchen posted which are interesting, copy and paste them into this file, explain why they are interesting from Marcom and consumer viewpoints.

Code the company posts with appropriate Marketing Communications Tools (from the Code list on Page 3 of  this file) such as  promotions or giveaways  Sales Promotion and any lifestyle events such as Alternative Marketing, etc.

Social Media ANALYSIS – Team Member 4  Name:

3. FACEBOOK  RED BANK location


Please identify the #Followers, # Likes, # Views, for each type of Social Media etc.

Please Log in. If you dont have a Facebook page, please create one (which you could hopefully delete after the semester) or ask someone you know who uses Facebook to login for you.

Are there any comments from consumers (are they positive or negative, what do they say?)  Copy and paste 5 interesting consumer comments that could be helpful feedback for JBJ Soul Kitchens strategies. Explain why they are interesting from consumer and marketing viewpoints.

What other types of promotions or information could JBJ Soul Kitchen include on its Facebook page that they dont currently do? Please copy and paste 2 examples from two different restaurants Facebook pages.

Social Media ANALYSIS – Team Member 4  Name:


Please identify the #Followers, # Likes, # Views, for each type of Social Media etc.

Please Log in. If you dont have a Facebook page, please create one (which you could hopefully delete after the semester) or ask someone you know who uses Facebook to login for you.

Give a brief description of your impression/opinion about the social media page (effective, somewhat effective, up to date/not up to date, and reasons why, etc.)

Provide 6 Posts that JBJ Soul Kitchen posted which are interesting, copy and paste them into this file, explain why they are interesting from Marcom and consumer viewpoints.

Code the company posts with appropriate Marketing Communications Tools (from the Code list on Page 3 of  this file) such as  promotions or giveaways  Sales Promotion and any lifestyle events as Alternative Marketing, etc.

Social Media ANALYSIS – Team Member 4  Name:



Are there any comments from consumers (are they positive or negative, what do they say?)  Copy and paste 5 interesting consumer comments that could be helpful feedback for JBJ Soul Kitchens strategies. Explain why they are interesting from consumer and marketing viewpoints.

What other types of promotions or information could JBJ Soul Kitchen include on its Facebook page that they dont currently do? Please give an example from another Facebook page from another restaurant.